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Grassmoor Primary School

Nurture, Grow, Succeed


North Wingfield Road, Grassmoor, Chesterfield, S42 5EP

01246 850349


Year 1

Class Teacher:  Mrs Kylie Crossland & Mrs Rachel Teare

Teaching Assistant: Miss Selina Watson & Mrs Sheena Allan

In Year One we use kind words and we have kind hearts and hands. We like to work together to grow as a team and we try our best to succeed every single day. 


Click below to see our mid-term and long-term plans:

Summer Term Plan

 Year 1 Long Term Plan



General Information 

PE kits

Please make sure that your child has a PE kit in school at all times. We do PE every Thursday morning in the hall and will move to outside in the warmer months, please ensure their clothes and plimsolls are labelled.

You can find out more about our PE expectations here. 

Click here to view our uniform expectations


Reading at Home

Please read with your child every day if possible (minimum 3 times a week). The children will read in school and this is when their books will be changed. Library will be once a week. Please make sure your child has their book bag and reading and library book each day. We will award Monster Points to all children who are reading regularly at home. 



Each week your child will be given five common exception word to practice at home. Please work with your child at home to read and write these words. We will check these with your child in class. These will be on Class Dojo weekly and points award for evidence of practicing.